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Ron Michener

Associate Professor
Office Address/Hours
Monroe Hall, Room 251 / Wednesday 1:00- 3:00pm
Colonial Monetary History, Monetary Theory, Economic History


Bachelor of Science (BS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Master of Arts (MA), University of Chicago
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Chicago

Selected Publications

"Fixed Exchange Rates and the Quantity Theory in Colonial America," Carnegie-Rochester Conferences Volume, 1987;

"The Political Economy of Insider Trading Laws," with C.Tighe, Papers and Proceedings of the American Economic Associations, 1994;

"Inflation, Expectations, and Output: Lucas's Island Revisited," Journal of Macroeconomics 20, 767-83, Fall 1998;

"State 'Currencies' and the Transition to the U.S. Dollar: Clarifying some Confusions." , R. Michener and R. Wright, American Economic Review, 682-703, June 2005;

"Development of the US monetary union," R. Michener and R. Wright, Financial History Review, vol. 13:1, 19-41, 2006